PTO Image

What is the St. Pius X Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)?

We are an all-volunteer, parent-run, non-profit organization, committed to the education of our children and the support of our teachers, and helping our community.

By joining the St. Pius X Catholic PTO, you can help us meet our school's needs that are outside the scope of the school's budget. When you go a step further and volunteer on a committee, help with events, become an ambassador —or join our board of directors— you set a fine example for our students to follow, and greatly encourage all our parents to come out and support all of our great teachers and staff at St Pius X Catholic School.

It is our goal to keep parents connected and informed by facilitating a close relationship between school and home and serving as the communication link between the two. The heart of our mission is a commitment to strengthen our Catholic values and provide the highest quality education possible for all our students by supporting the school and most importantly our teachers and their needs. 

We are all communicants of the church where family values mean a great deal to each of us, and we all watch out for our children. The St. Pius X Catholic PTO brings our community together with well-managed family-oriented events; including supporting the efforts of our teachers and school staff to make St. Pius X Catholic School a safe, nurturing environment for all our children to learn, and develop their unique personalities to learn to become a responsible member of our society/community.

The success of our PTO depends on each family contributing their time including their ability to help support the school for our children. This involvement allows our school to provide a superior education for our children and retain extraordinary high-quality teachers for our children.

Please join us and become a volunteer for St. Pius Catholic PTO for events and other programs.

A message from PTO President Jeannie Goss:
Thank you for choosing St. Pius X Catholic School for your child's education. I invite you to join us at the various events we have planned throughout the year. These events not only bring us together as a community but also play an essential role in supporting our school's growth and development. I know that our collective efforts will make a significant impact this coming year.
If you're eager to contribute your time and skills, or if you have an idea for a new event, please feel free to email me at [email protected]

2024/2025 PTO Board Members:

PRESIDENT: Jeannie Goss
SECRETARYMonica Rodriguez
TREASURERGabrielle Salcido
2023-2024 St. Pius X Family Commitment Fee Information
Current PTO Initiatives
Shoe Pass
This shoe pass is a **one time fee** of $30 that allows students to wear any closed toe athletic shoes of their choosing on every Friday of the school year. 1 PASS PER STUDENT -Don't worry about printing, we will send teachers the names of students who have a shoe pass. Funds raised through the shoe pass initiative directly supports Blue Jay P.E. and Athletics.
Spirit Nights
This year our monthly Spirit Nights will rotate locations. Please check the Blue Jay Bulletin, school
Facebook page and Classroom Chats for dates/times/locations. A percentage of each sale during the Spirit
Night events will go back to our school.
Box Tops for Education 
How it works: Buy participating products and use the box tops app to scan your store receipt. The app
identifies eligible products and earnings are credited to your designated school online. Even if you are
shopping online or doing grocery pickup, you can still submit your digital or email receipt with the Box
Tops app and earn. Twice a year, our school gets a check! 
Use Referral Code: ZSWE8IQU
Use this link to pay for Shoe passes, Family Commitment fees, Room parent collections and other initiatives throughout the year:
Please visit St. Pius X Catholic School Cheddar Up to view ALL sign ups. This page will be
updated throughout the year with PTO initiatives and fundraisers. All
volunteers must complete a background check and CMSE certification.
Halloween Carnival – This committee organizes the Halloween Carnival in
October. This is the largest fundraising event of the year for the PTO. The Chair and Co-chair lead this large committee and will hold sub-committee meetings.
Chairperson – Erica DeLuna  Co-Chair- Andrea Simmons
Family Engagement Events - Help in all aspects related to family
engagement as lead by the Social Secretary (ex. parent mixer, family bingo, etc.)
Chairperson – Christie Clark
Read-A-Thon – This committee is in charge of all activities associated with
National Reading Month, attending committee meetings; fundraiser kick-off,
collects and distributes fundraiser prizes and incentives, assists with literacy night, and
family events during the Read- A-Thon. Dates: January through April.
Guest Readers- We are looking for Guest Readers (Parents, Grandparents,
and Family) for our classrooms during the Read-a-thon during the Spring semester This is a great way for you to get to know our
class family and model fluent reading to our children.
Golf Tournament- This committee assists the principal and school staff in
organizing the golf tournament. The golf tournament will be held in the spring.