Admissions » FACTS Grant & Aid Application

FACTS Grant & Aid Application

Need-based tuition assistance may be available to qualifying St. Pius X Catholic School students.  To learn more about the application process, please see the attachment below or contact our front office staff by phone at (361) 992-1343.


Application for financial tuition assistance can be made online using the FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment Service. The application is user-friendly and the average time spent applying is 22 minutes. If you need help with online computer access, please contact the school office. There is a $40 application fee that is paid by the applicant. One application covers students in multiple schools.

The application process for Cycle I begins on January 27, 2025.  All applications must be submitted to FACTS no later than April 23, 2025, to be eligible for tuition assistance for Cycle I.

Cycle II begins May 5, 2025, and ends June 25, 2025. Applications must be completed and processed by FACTS by June 25, 2025, to be considered for Cycle II.

To apply, click on the following link:

Families who qualify are usually notified near the end of May, but this may be subject to change.
Families who receive any kind of tuition assistance must reapply each year.